code of conduct

Being a coach of children and youth is a very special role for adults.

“A community coach strives to do the following:

  • encourage young athletes to be active and to have fun;
  • plan purposeful practices and create engaging activities;
  • lead their participants in developing gross motor skills;
  • help participants identify how to improve their performance by providing constructive criticism and advice;
  • manage problems by making ethical and respectful decisions
  • enable safe participation by creating a safe environment
  • teach others how to respect themselves, others, and their sport.

In short, when you become a coach, you help others reach higher, both in sport and in life!”  (from

With the view of providing all players with an enjoyable experience in baseball, RCBA requires that all coaches sign and adhere to Codes of Conduct.   Coaches only have to sign these once.

The Coach's Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy comprise the coaches Codes of Conduct.  These two “codes” are embedded on the registration pages for coaches’ agreement when indicating an interest in coaching.

The attached pages are for all coaches to peruse, but specifically designed for coaches who do not have children registered in RCBA and may not have seen these before.

It is expected that all coaches will adhere to the Social Media Policy, and as well, the Coach’s Code of Conduct.  All RCBA coaches should familiarize themselves with the content of these two documents.

RCBA Coach's Code of Conduct