Criminial Record Check (CRC)

If you have not submitted a Criminal Record Check to Richmond City Baseball in the past two years, please complete a CRC online at the BC Ministry of Justice eCRC site.




You will now be asked to verify your identity using the BC Services Card as the old Equifax system is phased out.  For more info, please see the PDF document at the bottom of the page.  The updated link and access code is below.


Enter the code 4RLLLNFGV7 and  select "Continue"

Alternatively (or if the site is down), download and print out the document below.  If you are a Richmond resident, take it to the RCMP detachment behind Ironwood Plaza.  If not a Richmond resident, take the completed form to your city's police department or RCMP detachment

There is no charge for a criminal record check if you are a Richmond resident.

NOTE: This is a private and confidential document, please present the results in a sealed envelope.
If you're going in person, please note:

  • You will be required to clear COVID protocols at the detachment
  • Please bring the completed RCBA form
  • You will need 2 pieces of Govt. issued ID (drivers license, passport).  One has to show your birthdate and one must show your Richmond address.

This signed letter for the RCMP can be obtained from the link below.

New CRC Process August 2021

Richmond City Baseball Criminal Record Check (CRC) Form