Early bird registration for the Spring 2025 season is now open!
Chuckers Clothing Store
The online store is now open! Orders can be placed until Feb 9th.
Pickup date is expected early April at Palmer Field.
About RCBA
Richmond City Baseball’s mission is to provide boys and girls from 5-24 years of age with the opportunity to learn and love the game of baseball. RCBA is a community based, volunteer run baseball organization. We are an active member of BC Minor Baseball, operating as a non-profit community sports organization. We have teams in divisions from 5U to 18U age groups including AA and AAA levels where applicable and run summer all-star programs for ages 8 and up.

Objectives & Expected Level Of Play By Division
RCBA continues to run the Rally Cap program at the Blastball and T-Ball levels. The program has been designed specifically for young baseball players and aims to increase interest in baseball.
Sessions are about 60 minutes in length. Two teams will occupy the field and after a 15-minute warm-up/training station the teams will begin playing a game. Teams will be made up of 6 or 7 players depending on the number of players registered.
The season starts in April and finishes towards the end of June.
The 8U/9U division provides baseball for boys and girls aged 9 years and younger.
Players learn to hit from a ball “pitched” by a pitching machine, with a maximum of 6 innings per game. Players will continue to develop their primary baseball skills such as hitting, base running, fielding, and throwing, with a concentration on having fun in a team environment.
Players are placed on teams by the division coordinator to create evenly balanced teams while attempting to honor as many special requests (for teammates or coaches) as possible.
8U is a "house" league so there is no travel required. The season starts in April and finishes towards the end of June.
The 11U Division plays a 6-inning game. "Live" pitching is used throughout the 6 inning games, pitchers throw from 46 feet, base paths are set at 60 feet, and a regulation hard ball is used. No lead offs are allowed and players cannot steal until the ball crosses the plate. A 1st year pitcher (or pitchers) must pitch the first 2 innings of the game.
A run limit is imposed on all innings except the last where unlimited runs may be scored.
11U is a "house" league so no travel is required. The season will start in mid-April and finishes towards the end of June.
Field locations – R.C. Palmer Secondary School, Gibbons Park
The 13U Division plays a 7-inning game. "Live" pitching is used throughout the 6 inning games, pitchers throw from 48 feet, base paths are set at 70 feet, and a regulation hard ball is used. Lead offs and stealing bases is allowed. Balks may be called on pitchers.
A run limit is imposed on all innings except the last where unlimited runs may be scored.
The Spring season will start in mid-April and finishes towards the end of June. See within for more information on tiered teams and summer baseball.
Field location – R.C. Palmer Secondary School
The 15U Division is for players who will turn 14 or 15 during the calendar year of the season.
The 15U division is tiered and at all levels the teams travel to play other associations. Players may try out for the "AA" or "AAA" teams that offer a more competitive level of play. All other players will be included on one of the "A" teams which offer a more recreational level of play.
The 15U AA and AAA teams play a single season from April to August. For 15U A, there are both a spring and summer season.
Field location – Blundell Elementary School
The 18U division is tiered and at all levels the teams travel to play other associations. Players may try out for the "College Prep" team or "AAA" team (depending on the level the association has applied for that year) that offers a more competitive level of play. Players not selected to the "AAA" team will be selected to one of the "AA" teams which offer a more recreational level of play.
The 18U AAA/College Prep and the 18U AA teams play a single season from April to August.
Field location – Latrace Field